
Artist Lecture

On Thursday July 21, 2011, Joseph Murphy gave an art presentation to the children of the Thornden Park Association's Discovery Summer Camp in Syracuse, New York. Roughly twenty children between the ages of 5-9 years old withstood the blistering hot temperatures to escape into the park's beautiful Rose Garden. While Mr. Murphy gave an overview of his illustration career, he shared a few of his original pieces of artwork with the enthusiastic young artists. Then, to everyone's delight, he performed a demonstration on how to paint with watercolors, using the "wet" and "dry brush" techniques. When it came time for the children to practice these techniques on their own, painting scenes from within the Rose Garden, it was clear that their love of art was shining brighter than the red summer sun that day. Very special thanks go out to Miranda Hine and Rebecca Dwyer for extending an invitation to Mr. Murphy to come and speak. A great time was had by all!


Mark English

Well, better late than never. These following photos were taken back in October of 2010 when Joseph Murphy attended an artist demo and lecture given by the great Mark English. Mark is a world renowned artist and illustrator known for his groundbreaking montage work as well as his intimate and profound landscape series. Among many traditional artists and illustrators, Mark is regarded as one of the great godfathers of contemporary painting.

This lecture was given at Syracuse University as part of a visiting artist series. In being an admirer, Mark has been a great influence on Mr. Murphy's own work, so it is no surprise that he jumped at the opportunity to meet this living legend and learn from his craft. It is not often, nowadays, that Mark English will travel the college circuit and give these workshops, so it is definitely something to take advantage of when it does happen. In fact, Joseph found himself humbled standing in the presence of other great illustrators, like Mark Summers, who flew in from across the country that day just to see this one particular event. It truly was an awe inspiring day.


Visiting Artist Lecture

On February 3, 2011, Joseph Murphy spoke to the Canastota Jr.-Sr. High School Art Club in Canastota, New York, about his ventures in illustration, painting, and business of freelance art. Many thanks go out to Kristie Boisen and Denise Whalen, Canastota High School's art teachers and Art Club organizers, for extending the invitation to come and speak to the students. All of those in attendance were very receptive and asked many great questions. Mr. Murphy could not get over their warm and enthusiastic welcome! Afterwards, Joseph even took a look at students' work and was amazed at the level of skill and artistry exhibited by many of these young talents. Keep up the good work!